Tuesday 10 June 2014

UNIque experience

As stated in my first blog I have just completed my studies at university. The relief of finishing led to the nervous wait to find out the class outcome of my degree. Despite this anticipation, university to me was far more than the final grade outcome.  Hundreds of thousands of students embark on a pilgrimage each September to university, whether it is one away from home or their local. Each individual has their own reasoning behind their university journey.

Soo much stuff for uni
Car journey 1
For me the desire to go to university was for the experience more so than the course. To me the course has always been an added bonus. Some people may think this is backwards but if it wasn’t for university I wouldn’t know how to live independently; cook, clean, budget for myself, time management, prioritising tasks, etc. Additionally I feel living away from home, allows for the opportunity to live university life to the max without the restrictions of family life hindering the time you can stay out till, the friends you can spontaneously invite round, the time you go to bed, wake up or eat, etc. For these reasons alone university has been invaluable, providing me with skills to carry with me throughout the remainder of my life, while gathering soo many happy memories.

Made musaka
Although 90% of university was the experience and independence I still cared deeply about my studies. If I wanted to last 3 years at university I needed to at least have some interest and hunger to progress through the years. As a result I decided to study a joint honours degree in Geography and Business Management; Geography being my favourite subject throughout school which I wished to expand my knowledge of and Business Management a new subject to delve into which I felt would test me while providing beneficial key skills for post university days in any type of job path.

Third year was where want to excel in my studies strengthened. The commitment I displayed especially during this year has shocked me. I proved to myself that I do have a work ethic, even when motivation was lacking or I felt out of my knowledge barrier; somehow I found inner strength to cross these hurdles.

My final term results shocked me to say the least. Prior to final term I was borderline on two grades and based on my previous two year grades it would be touch and go if I would obtain the higher of the two. With all my grades back (although not officially confirmed) I have not only just scrapped the higher grade I have smashed it whereby I was in touching distance of the highest possible grade barrier at university. This near miss initially caused me to feel completely gutted. However, now a few weeks on from finding this out I have got past this initial bitterness and I am immensely proud of myself for achieving the grade I have, something I believed was an unrealistic dream. Not only for the time and commitment I have put into my studies but also other personal factors which arose during my 3 years at university; which could have had a negative impact on my learning.
Dissertation Complete
Dissertation hand in :)
I am without a doubt completely thrilled I chose to go on to university after my school days. The memories I have created, the skills I have acquired (in uni and living), along with the discovery of what I can achieve. This period of my life will always be looked back on with fond and happy memories.

I would do anything to relive this period of time!!

Amester x

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