Wednesday, 2 March 2016

#fmsphotoaday February 2016

This blog post is inspired by my sister, who wrote a blog post about her attempt at the #fmsphotoadaychallenge in January.

The #fmsphotoadaychallenge was introduced to me a year or so back by my mother. It is a photo challenge set up by a blogger called fat mum slim Each day of the year has a different prompt to base a photo on for that day. These can then be uploaded to instagram with the hashtag #fmsphotoaday or uploaded to the official Facebook page. It is essentially a community of like minded people who enjoy photo sharing through these prompts. Although each individual is using the same prompt, each photo is unique and so much diversity can be found.

During the month of February I set myself the challenge of attempting to upload each day for this challenge. Here are a selection of my favourite uploads. The rest can be found over on my instagram page by clicking here

Day 4 Prompt: Texture. 
For this one I decided to photograph the texture of the tree trunk at the bottom of the garden. I was stood wandering which section to photograph, when my eyes were drawn in. I realised that a section of the bark looked like the outline of the continent of 'Africa'.

Day 8 Prompt: Family
I had to get my pandas in somehow this month!

Day 12 Prompt: Paper
I was struggling for an idea for this prompt, when I was sat making a photo album. I suddenly realised that photos are indeed 'paper' and this is what I came up with :)

Day 13 Prompt: Pet
Conveniently the 'pet' prompt fell on Busters 10th birthday.

Day 24 prompt: Path
For this prompt I decided to think outside the box and I came up with this quote. To me I believe life is to short to not follow the path YOU want to take. After all its only you having to live your life! My current life path is one of travel, what is yours?

Regretfully I failed at this challenge. I made it to day 25 (of 29) and basically fell at the last hurdle. I lost inspiration and felt that it became more of a daily chore I had made myself instead of a fun interaction. Although I will not be continuing this daily I will still participate in this challenge, when I feel I have a good idea for a prompt.

If you are reading this blog post and participate in this challenge, or even if you don't and are an active instagrammer, I would love to check your stuff out. Please leave your instagram handles in the comments section or tweet them to me at @AmesterAmes

Amester :)

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