Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Road trip via 'home'

When I was young, I always envisioned road tripping through Australia in an old school VW style campervan. However although I have a valid drivers license, I have absolutely zero knowledge on the maintenance of vehicles. Considering my dad (who I always run to when something goes wrong with my (it's actually mums but ssh) car) is 10,618 miles (according to google) away, the sparcness between civilisation within Australia (I don't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere) and my reluctance/fear of driving abroad this will probably never happen. Nevertheless when myself and Jen were invited on a road trip by Sharon and Graham (the family we are currently staying with in Sydney) we were happy to accept.

27th December 2016
8am and it was time to embark on the road trip. Still half asleep I took my seat in the back of the car. Myself and Jen weren't entirely aware of the itinerary for this trip which led to elements of mystery. Off we set, heading away from the city of Sydney towards the blue mountains. Our first stop was the town of Katoomba for breakfast. Here I tried banana bread and raisin bread for the first time. Raisin bread was very yummy! We then drove a few minutes down the road to the three sisters. Unaware as to what this exactly was I was pleasantly surprised as to what I witnessed. The 3 sisters are a rock formation among a vast expanse of trees within the Jamison Valley. Basically it was a view of trees as far as the eye could see.
Three sisters
Trees as far as you can see
We hopped back in the car and set off on the two hour drive towards the city of Orange. Listening to podcasts, music, napping and enjoying taking in the New South Wales countryside, I felt very content. A quick lunch break in Orange and it was back in the car heading for Dubbo. This section was very isolated including a 170km driving stretch along one very straight road. Having travelled over 400km, we checked into our motel in Dubbo, went out for dinner then called it a night.
We had views like this the entire.road trip 
28th December 2016
Today was all about the zoo. But first it was to the local bakery for breakfast. It was here I realised that in my tired morning state I had put my underwear on inside out. I was still half asleep and really couldn't be bothered to correct it so they stayed inside out all day.

We arrived at the taronga western plains zoo ready for the 9am opening. The queue was already long and it was 30 degrees, at 9am! To go around taronga zoo you can either drive, cycle, walk or hire a cycle cart (like the chuckle brothers had). We decided to walk. Map and camera in hand we ventured round the zoo. I particularly enjoyed the giraffes, meercats and koalas. However my absolute favourite was the baby elephant! He was soo cute and in such a playful mood.

I want one!
Soo tall
Parents and cute baby
Its a hard life! 
After the zoo we grabbed a late lunch in Dubbo city centre where I had the yummiest chicken wrap! Then it was time to drive to Coonabarabran. I do wonder how some of the place names came about. Once we arrived we checked into the new motel then headed to the local Chinese. I was obviously having a clumsy day as mid dinner my glass of water slipped out my hand all over the table and the shared rice dish. Well done Ames! Slightly embarrassed at my clumsiness I also confessed to my earlier underwear incident, as well as the time I accidentally wore my bright orange PJ top to work. Well that set us all off into crying histerics! 

After dinner we were booked in to an observatory. On the way a kangaroo decided to play chicken in front of our car. Luckily Graham was alert which avoided a disaster. Despite a cloudy night at the observatory we still saw Venus, Uranus and Orion's Belt (I thought it was called Ryan's Belt until Jen corrected me) amoung other space stuff. Despite not having much knowledge of space I enjoyed this experience. 

30th December 2016
Today was the 3rd and last day of the road trip. After having breakfast delivered to our room (a first for me), today was all about getting two important photos! To get to the location of the first (and most important) photo a 5 hour drive was required. We did have a pitstop in Tamworth however for a coffee. The sparcity between individual houses, let alone civilised towns on this stretch of the trip really gets you questioning how the children get to school daily, or how the weekly shopping is done, or how long do they go without seeing another human outside of their family.
Yummy breakfast for two 
We were heading for Gloucester! The town of Gloucester. The New South Wales Gloucester. Me and Jen are Gloucester, UK born and bred so obviously we were eager to get a photo at the Australian Gloucester. Driving into Gloucester we spotted the Gloucester road sign, stopped, took the photo then headed to the local Woolworths for magnum ice lolly's and uploaded the photo to Facebook to show all my fellow gloucester friends. From what I witnesses this Gloucester was a lot more picturesque than the English equivalent but sooooo much smaller. Coincidentally there is a River Avon flowing to the edge of Gloucester NSW, just like back in England UK.
So close, yet so far from home
Another coincidence was our second location of the day, 40 minutes away from Gloucester is the neighbouring town of Stroud. Much like back at home. We jumped out of the lovely air conned car into 40 degree heat and posed for a photo next to the Stroud sign. That marked the last stop of this road trip then it was time for the home leg back to Sydney. In total we covered a distance of over 1300km (808 miles) over 3 days, that is the equivalent of traveling the distance between John O'Groats and Lands End.
Massive thanks Sharon and Graham for taking us on the road trip, allowing us to see non-tourist parts of NSW. It was really enjoyable!

Amester x

Monday, 9 January 2017

2016 - The year my childhood dream became a reality!

At the end of each year I like to reflect on my year. To recap and remind myself of what I got up to. I read Louise Pentlands blog and liked the chatty monthly reflection so I have decided to adopt this approach for my 2016 roundup...

So grab a hot drink or alcoholic beverage or anything in between, because this was my 2016...

* 2016 was welcomed in slightly intoxicated with my best friends, at a house overlooking Gloucester which at the stroke of midnight allowed for viewing of lots of firework displays from the comfort of a warm house.
* My first achievement of the year was gaining my 1 stone weight loss through the Slimming World program.
* A mere few weeks into the year saw the return of the travelling bug resulting in the booking of a trip to Amsterdam for later in the year.
1 stone at Slimming World
* I decided to challenge myself to undertaking the #FMSPAD challenge for the entire month on instagram. Although I didnt manage the entire month it was nice to get creative. You can read the blog post about it here.
* The main highlight of this month was gaining promotion at work. I was excited to be given the opportunity to push myself further whilst leaving the comfort zone. It was a massive learning curve which put me into situations I wish never to be in again. I grew immensely as a person, on the whole I enjoyed it and felt I accomplished lots in the new role.
#FMSPAD Challenge
* This month I gained another achievement on my Slimming World journey by getting my club10 award.

* My sister jetted off to Bali for 3 weeks which meant I was the only child for a while. Time to get spoilt you'd think, quite the opposite infact. The parents ganged up on me as I had no-one to back me up. Maybe it is good having a sibling after all haha.
* I managed to escape the annoying rents and flew out to Amsterdam where I met up with my sis on her return from Bali. We spent a few days chiling in our cool little pod at our cityhub accommodation as well as experiencing kings day for a second year running. It was nice to get away for a short break.
Short trip to Amsterdam
* May was a good month! I got my inner 90s child out by seeing Busted in concert with my besties and sis. It was a really enjoyable weekend away.
* Me, my mum and our Slimming friends went against the ethos of Slimming world and went on a pub crawl. We randomly decided to wear custom t-shirts that said 'juicy fruits' and just had a good time.
* I went on a bowling social with my work friends
* I fancied a change so died my hair purple. I loved it and will definitely be dieing it this colour again in the future.
* The main highlight of my month was that I applied for my visa to Australia. I was astonished to see 40 minutes after submission that it had been approved. I remember jumping around the house hyper shouting 'i am going to Australia', my childhood dream was able to happen!
* June was a month of mixed emotion. I spontaneously handed my notice in because I was fed up of how I was being treated.
* I went on a family holiday to Brean. Despite my dad being really ill it was nice to chill with the family.
* Upon return from holiday I was excited to go back to work for my final week before I left. That was until I got informed the company was going into administration, and I actually got made redundant. It was a bittersweet moment; I loved the job, the customers, and 90% of my colleagues and was there the day the shop opened. I never actually wanted to leave when I handed my notice in but for my own welbeing I knew it was the right choice. To then actually being made redundant which was out of my control really brought home how much that job meant to me. It was a weird feeling.
* I faced my fear and drove on the motorway properly for the first time since I passed my test 5 years previous. It wasn't as scary as I had anticipated it to be.
Sunset through the rain covered window on holiday
* I started my new job working at events and festivals around the UK. Which saw me working at TruckFest SouthWest and The New Forest Show this month
* I got swept into the Pokémon Go hype and became addicted. It's not a bad thing, it got me out walking instead of driving everywhere
* I took a trip to London with the sis
* I had the responsibility of house and cat sitting for one night.
* There was a big family meet up with extended family I hadn't seen since I was little. It was so nice to all get together
* I booked my one-way flight to Australia!!
* To celebrate booking the flights, me, mum and Jen spent 4 hours in Bristol primark, clothes shopping for Australia. For someone who doesn't normally like shopping, this was enjoyable
At Pancreas Lock in London
* August saw me achieve something I had been waiting to do for about a year. I finally found time to edit my European travel footage into a mini series which I posted onto my YouTube channel
* I spent my birthday going out for breakfast, lunch and dinner because I just love food
* I worked away for 3 weeks at Bristol Balloon Festival, V Festival and Reading Festival
* While at V Festival I saw Marcus Butler and Oli White. I proper fan-girled!
* An enjoyable day trip to London with my sister, Auntie and cousins. It was such a fun day!
Bristol Balloon Festival
* In September I had a bonfire where I burnt all my old school and uni paperwork. It felt soo good!
* As me and Jen would be in Australia for Christmas we decided to have our family Christmas on 25th September. We exchanged presents, went for a dog walk in our Christmas jumpers, and ate our Christmas curry.
Burning my old school/uni work
* London is one of my favourite places so I decided to visit again for the 3rd time this year. This time I went on my own. I enjoyed just wondering around, taking pictures and people watching
* The month my childhood dream became a reality! I boarded a plane to Australia!!
* Landed in Perth where we were staying until mid December.
Childhood dream of going to Australia became a reality
* Cycled 22km around Rottnest Island and saw lots of cute Quokkas aswel as Whales in the ocean
* Stayed in a prison cell on Halloween night
* Had an enjoyable time working for accommodation through HelpX
My prison mugshot
* Left Perth and traveled to Sydney
* Climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge for my sisters 25th birthday
* Went in the pool wearing my Christmas hat on Christmas day
* Went on a road trip. (Blog post coming soon)
* Saw in 2017 watching the Sydney Fireworks
At the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge
What was your favourite thing you did in 2016?!

Amester x

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Perthect sunsets

My final blog from the Perth chapter of my travels is dedicated to one of my favourite things - sunsets. No one sunset is the same, they make the sky look beautiful and I really enjoy photographing them. During my time in Perth I was fortunate enough to witness several sunsets. Here are some photos I took, enjoy :)

My first Austalian sunset
3 stages of a sunset
Pretty sky
Sun behind the clouds 
Pretty cloud
Plane amongst the sunset clouds
Sunset behind the trees
Sunset fun
Amester x